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MPSERS Legislative Update - 7/14/17

New legislation went into effect July 13, 2017. KNOW YOUR BENEFITS!

Letter from MISD to current employees on changes. Use the links articles below to get more information on your Retirement benefits.

Defined Benefit Pension Plan

Defined Benefit Plan Website You're a member in the Defined Benefit (DB) retirement plan if you:

- First worked for a Michigan public school before July 1, 2010,


- You did not choose to switch to the Defined Contribution retirement plan under P.A. 300 of 2012.

Your retirement plan may be called Member Investment Plan (MIP) or Basic Plan

Pension Plus

Pension PLUS Website     You're a member in the Pension Plus retirement plan if you...

- First worked for a Michigan public school between July 1, 2010, and September 3, 2012.

- First worked for a Michigan public school on or after September 4, 2012 and you did not choose the DC plan.

Defined Contribution Plan- 401(k) and 457 Plans

DC Plan Website      You may have a Defined Contribution Plan if.....

- First worked for a Michigan public school on or after September 4, 2012, and you chose the DC plan.

- Began your Michigan public school employment under the DB plan and chose to transfer to the DC plan under P.A. 300 of 2012.

DC Plan Flyer

ORS - Office of Retirement Services in Michigan